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Sunday 16 April 2017



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Birth and death are two common words that is the Universal truth and are inevitable or unavoidable events of our life. Death is believed and accepted by all the religions across the world and every religious theology explains death in their own way of belief. A human either stronger or weaker would feel anxiety or grief on hearing the word ‘DEATH’ regardless of caste, creed and religion. Scientifically, death is defined by the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism. But I think it is not possible to count the variations available in the societies of the world regarding the definition of death.

Different philosophies and theologies provide variety of concepts about death of living beings. Some group of people believes that death is nothing but the means of replenishment of the materials present in the body to the nature. Many people advocate that death ends all everything and they are not ready to believe in the existence of SOUL at all.

Generally, most people of the globe have a firm faith on the fact that body and soul are distinct and these two are like the ‘head’ and ‘tail’ of a coin. That group also believes that death is related to the body only and soul is immortal. They have the belief of resting in the either ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’ depending upon their deeds performed in this world.

Since I am a Muslim, so I believe that post-death life or life hereafter is sure and certain. Everyone has to give account of his deeds either good or bad performed in worldly-life standing in front of Almighty Allah. Allah has declared in the holy book Qur’an that he has created life and death to examine or test us whether we perform well or indulge in bad and wrong deeds.

 Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving;”- Al Qur’an (67:2)

 Death is a chance provided to us and transference from this world to meet Almighty in the hereafter. But, intelligently one thing has to realized and noted that this worldly-life is allotted only and only for the preparation and planning of death and after-death life.

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